It is best practice to centralize accommodation requests and final decision-making to a team specifically trained in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) interactive accommodation process. However, it is important to train your managers to recognize when the interactive process has been initiated and who to contact to continue the conversation. Centralizing this process with ADA-trained professionals will help to ensure consistency in interactive discussions, documentation, and decisions. It is also important to review any undue hardship or accommodation denial decisions with your legal counsel before a final decision is communicated to the employee.
FAQ Fridays
When managing accommodations, how do employers balance a need to be flexible, while also being consistent, to avoid inadvertently providing accommodations to some people and not others?
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5173 Waring Road, Suite 134
San Diego, CA 92120
San Diego, CA 92120
800.789.3632, ext. 101
800.789.3632, ext. 101
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