
Membership FAQs


To help you navigate DMEC membership, below is a list of frequently asked questions and helpful answers and tips. If you have a question that is not listed on this page, please contact us at or 800.789.3632.

An organizational membership covers every employee at your company. Employees who would like to receive member benefits and pricing can create a DMEC account and add themselves to their organizational membership.

All you need to do is create a DMEC account and add themselves to their organizational membership.

DMEC memberships expire one year from the date you joined.

Follow these steps to find out if your organization is currently a member of DMEC.

Participation in webinars does not mean your organization is a DMEC member. In order to become a member, your organization will need to sign up for membership and pay annual dues. Find the right membership type for your organization.

If you are the primary contact for your organization’s membership, you can see which employees are signed up under that account. Log in to your DMEC account, select “My Account” on the left, and then select the “Manage Contacts” tab.

If you are the primary contact for your organization’s membership, you can add individuals to your current member list, edit contact information for your current member list, and mark for deletion a profile that should no longer be associated with your organization’s membership.

To perform these tasks, log in to your DMEC account, select “My Account” on the left, and then select the “Manage Contacts” tab on the top navigation. You will now see a list of all the people listed under your company’s membership.

  • To edit an individual’s details, select the icon to the left of their name and edit the details.
  • To delete an individual from the list, place a check mark in the “Remove from Organization” box in the contacts details. Deletion is a manual process completed by DMEC staff and will not happen instantaneously. If you check the “Remove from Organization” box, DMEC staff will be notified and will delete the individual from the organization.
  • To add a new contact, select the “new contact” button and add the individual’s contact information.

In order to confirm the primary contact on your membership account, please contact us at or 800.789.3632.

Log in to your DMEC account, then select “My Account” on the left.

Go to the login page, then select the link to reset your password. You will then need to enter in your email address and select “Reset Your Password.”

Yes, membership will automatically renewed at the end of each year without requiring action from the member. 

When a member joins or renews their membership, they agree to a recurring payment structure. The system will automatically charge their stored payment method on file when the membership term is about to expire, and the membership will be renewed without interruption. 

When you join or renew you can obtain an invoice by using the Pay Later option. This will create an online invoice for you to send to your billing department. Your membership will be set to automatically create a new invoice for you for the next billing cycle. 

You can also contact us at 

Yes, members can opt out of auto-renewal at any time by accessing their account settings or by contacting DMEC customer service.  

Yes, members should receive several email notifications before their membership renews. This gives them the opportunity to review or cancel the auto-renewal if necessary. 

If a payment fails (due to expired cards, insufficient funds, etc.), DMEC will attempt to reprocess the payment. Members will receive a notification about the failed payment and be given an opportunity to update their payment details. 

Yes, members can update their payment information via their online account or by contacting the DMEC customer service. 

If a member cancels before the renewal date, they still have access to membership benefits until the current membership expires, but they will not be charged for the next term. 

Yes, members must send the request in writing to us at to request a refund. Payment must have been made within the last 90 days

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis arcu placerat, condimentum nisl vel, mollis metus. Etiam lobortis, libero eget blandit pretium, augue ipsum pellentesque lorem, scelerisque aliquet magna enim non ligula. Proin ac imperdiet augue, non auctor ex. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies venenatis dapibus quis, elementum eget magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus felis ex, semper vitae erat a, consequat ullamcorper leo. Donec mattis lobortis tincidunt. Nulla pulvinar ac nisl eget ornare. Aliquam elementum elit sit amet dignissim tempus. Ut sed ante vitae eros ultrices porta.

Presenter Name

Organization Position


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis arcu placerat, condimentum nisl vel, mollis metus. Etiam lobortis, libero eget blandit pretium, augue ipsum pellentesque lorem, scelerisque aliquet magna enim non ligula. Proin ac imperdiet augue, non auctor ex. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies venenatis dapibus quis, elementum eget magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus felis ex, semper vitae erat a, consequat ullamcorper leo. Donec mattis lobortis tincidunt. Nulla pulvinar ac nisl eget ornare. Aliquam elementum elit sit amet dignissim tempus. Ut sed ante vitae eros ultrices porta.

Presenter Name

Organization Position


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis arcu placerat, condimentum nisl vel, mollis metus. Etiam lobortis, libero eget blandit pretium, augue ipsum pellentesque lorem, scelerisque aliquet magna enim non ligula. Proin ac imperdiet augue, non auctor ex. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies venenatis dapibus quis, elementum eget magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus felis ex, semper vitae erat a, consequat ullamcorper leo. Donec mattis lobortis tincidunt. Nulla pulvinar ac nisl eget ornare. Aliquam elementum elit sit amet dignissim tempus. Ut sed ante vitae eros ultrices porta.

Presenter Name

Organization Position


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis arcu placerat, condimentum nisl vel, mollis metus. Etiam lobortis, libero eget blandit pretium, augue ipsum pellentesque lorem, scelerisque aliquet magna enim non ligula. Proin ac imperdiet augue, non auctor ex. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies venenatis dapibus quis, elementum eget magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus felis ex, semper vitae erat a, consequat ullamcorper leo. Donec mattis lobortis tincidunt. Nulla pulvinar ac nisl eget ornare. Aliquam elementum elit sit amet dignissim tempus. Ut sed ante vitae eros ultrices porta.

Presenter Name

Organization Position


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis arcu placerat, condimentum nisl vel, mollis metus. Etiam lobortis, libero eget blandit pretium, augue ipsum pellentesque lorem, scelerisque aliquet magna enim non ligula. Proin ac imperdiet augue, non auctor ex. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies venenatis dapibus quis, elementum eget magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus felis ex, semper vitae erat a, consequat ullamcorper leo. Donec mattis lobortis tincidunt. Nulla pulvinar ac nisl eget ornare. Aliquam elementum elit sit amet dignissim tempus. Ut sed ante vitae eros ultrices porta.

Lindsay Lueken

VP, Disability & Leave Operations


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis arcu placerat, condimentum nisl vel, mollis metus. Etiam lobortis, libero eget blandit pretium, augue ipsum pellentesque lorem, scelerisque aliquet magna enim non ligula. Proin ac imperdiet augue, non auctor ex. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies venenatis dapibus quis, elementum eget magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus felis ex, semper vitae erat a, consequat ullamcorper leo. Donec mattis lobortis tincidunt. Nulla pulvinar ac nisl eget ornare. Aliquam elementum elit sit amet dignissim tempus. Ut sed ante vitae eros ultrices porta.

Alice Cotti

VP, Government Segment Business Solutions


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis arcu placerat, condimentum nisl vel, mollis metus. Etiam lobortis, libero eget blandit pretium, augue ipsum pellentesque lorem, scelerisque aliquet magna enim non ligula. Proin ac imperdiet augue, non auctor ex. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies venenatis dapibus quis, elementum eget magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus felis ex, semper vitae erat a, consequat ullamcorper leo. Donec mattis lobortis tincidunt. Nulla pulvinar ac nisl eget ornare. Aliquam elementum elit sit amet dignissim tempus. Ut sed ante vitae eros ultrices porta.

Seth Turner, Chief Strategy Officer
Seth Turner

Chief Strategy Officer


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis arcu placerat, condimentum nisl vel, mollis metus. Etiam lobortis, libero eget blandit pretium, augue ipsum pellentesque lorem, scelerisque aliquet magna enim non ligula. Proin ac imperdiet augue, non auctor ex. Aliquam felis felis, ultricies venenatis dapibus quis, elementum eget magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus felis ex, semper vitae erat a, consequat ullamcorper leo. Donec mattis lobortis tincidunt. Nulla pulvinar ac nisl eget ornare. Aliquam elementum elit sit amet dignissim tempus. Ut sed ante vitae eros ultrices porta.