Conferences & Webinars
Compliance Conference
April 14, 2025
8:00 - 9:00 am
First-Time Attendee Orientation
First-time attendees are welcome to join DMEC staff and ambassadors for a light breakfast and to learn how to get the most from their conference experience.
9:15 - 9:30 am
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Bryon Bass, Chief Executive Officer, DMEC
9:30 - 10:30 am
Opening Keynote Session: Reaching Your Next Summit: Re-energize Your Teams and Build Momentum to Lead in the Unknown
The climb to excellence is never easy, but it is possible. Manley Feinberg knows this firsthand. As a business leader and expert mountain climber, Manley empowers attendees to think, act, and influence as leaders in their environment, especially when facing overwhelming challenges. With a focus on leading in the unknown, forging intentional relationships, and maximizing performance, this keynote presentation will energize you to lead on the edge and achieve more success in your life and work every day. Manley combines captivating storytelling and stunning photography of his climbing adventures with open-hearted relatability and real-world leadership lessons, and will inspire you to think, act, and influence as a leader, even in the face of uncertainty. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your leadership skills and unlock your full potential.
Keynote Speaker:
Manley Feinberg, Chief Experience Officer, Vertical Lessons
10:30 -11:00 am
Coffee & Conversation Break
Courtesy of TRISTAR
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Artificial Intelligence, Automated Systems, and Leave and Accommodation Compliance with a Focus on the DOL’s Guidance
In 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published a Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) on the application of federal laws to employers’ use of artificial intelligence (AI) and other automated systems in the workplace. The FAB provides detailed guidance on the challenges that may arise with the use of AI and compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act. This session will present the FAB and potential compliance issues that employers should be aware of when using AI to administer leaves and accommodations.
Joseph J. Lazzarotti, JD, Principal, Jackson Lewis PC
Joseph Lynett, JD, Principal, Jackson Lewis PC
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Networking Lunch
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Top 8 FMLA Compliance Issues You Should Fix Right Now
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can be a huge trap for unwary employers. Thorny issues include recognizing an employee’s notice of the need for FMLA leave, tricky medical certification issues, unplanned intermittent leave taken on a moment’s notice, and suspicions of FMLA misuse. No wonder employment counsel and human resources professionals everywhere regularly identify leaves of absence as the most difficult workplace benefit to administer and a constant compliance nightmare. But it need not be this complicated, and employers do not have to fight through these issues alone. Through case studies, polling, and perhaps even a little humor, attendees will learn about the most difficult FMLA compliance issues and practical solutions so employers and third-party administrators can minimize risk and maximize compliance with the law.
Matt Morris, Vice President, Absence and Accommodation Compliance, FMLASource, ComPsych Corporation
Jeff Nowak, Esq, Shareholder, Littler
2:30 - 3:00 pm
Coffee & Conversation Break
3:00 - 4:00 pm
When the PWFA, ADA, PUMP Act and FMLA Intersect: How to Unravel from a Tangled Mess
In this lively and informative session, two federal agency leaders will discuss the issues facing employers under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Helen Applewhaite, Director, FMLA Division, U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), and Heather Nodler, Attorney Advisor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), will answer questions about current employer challenges when these laws apply simultaneously, as well as key DOL and EEOC priorities.
Topics of discussion will include leave or accommodations needed for pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, pregnancy-related disability, navigating leave requests when an employee can still work, and appropriately requesting documentation or certifications to ensure compliance with all laws. Hear the latest insights directly from federal agency leaders about these important laws.
Helen Applewhaite, Director, Division of FMLA and Other Labor Standards, U.S. Department of Labor
Amanda DiSanto, JD, Senior Attorney Advisor, ADA & GINA Division, Office of Legal Counsel, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Lana L. Steven, JD, AVP, and Senior Product Compliance Counsel, Reliance Matrix
4:00 - 5:00 pm
Walking the Talk: Creating Equity in Your Leave Program
Implementing an equitable benefits program helps demonstrate a company’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Yet how do employers balance successful administration of their leave programs with growing state disability and paid family and medical leave (PFML) mandates? By mid-2026, 13 states and the District of Columbia are expected to have PFML programs in place. This means employers need to carefully consider a range of factors when creating compliant and equitable leave programs that span state lines.
In this session, attendees will learn which leave benefits are most significant to employees, determine which programs to maintain and which to potentially cut, recognize how company policies can be coordinated with state PFML programs, and identify the key considerations necessary when developing company-sponsored leaves. Focusing on these critical areas will ensure employers are creating leave policies that are fair, supportive, and responsive to the needs of all employees.
Jessica Bolar, Senior Product Manager, PFML, The Standard
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Opening Welcome Reception
Courtesy of DMEC Partner Sponsors
April 15, 2025
7:00 - 8:00 am
Breakfast with Exhibitors
Courtesy of TRISTAR
8:00 - 9:00 am
DOL Updates: 2025 and Beyond
Hear from the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) FMLA Division Director Helen Applewhaite on the latest in Family and Medical Leave Act compliance strategies. Gain valuable insight about the agency’s enforcement of the FMLA and the pump at work provisions of the FLSA for 2025 and beyond.
Helen Applewhaite, Director, Division of FMLA and Other Labor Standards, U.S. Department of Labor
9:00 - 9:45 am
Coffee & Conversation Break with Exhibitors
Courtesy of TRISTAR
9:45 - 10:45 am
FMLA/ADA: Year in Review
As courts and government agencies issue new and sometimes more generous interpretations of laws governing the workplace, change and challenge continue to be the name of the game for absence and disability management professionals. This session will present recent decisions from courts interpreting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), as well as legislative and agency developments. Attendees will explore how these developments may offer new ideas to address some of the most difficult leave and accommodation situations in 2025 and beyond.
Jaclyn L. Kugell, Esq, Partner, Morgan, Brown and Joy, LLP
10:45 - 11:45 am
I’m Stressed! Managing Psychological Disability Claims in the Workplace
Accommodations for stress-related psychological disabilities are on the rise. This presentation will provide an understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to psychological disability compliance. Attendees will receive a step-by-step, how-to guide for implementing the disability interactive process. Practical and field-tested, the guide includes templates, samples, and scripts that will support employers in making reasonable accommodation decisions.
Rachel Shaw, MBA, President, Shaw HR Consulting
11:45 am - 1:15 pm
Lunch with Exhibitors
1:15 - 2:30 pm
1A. Hands-on ADA: A Workshop on the Interactive Process
Treating everyone equally and providing barrier-free access when asking for an accommodation have been challenging for employers. Busy human resources/benefits/employee relations teams, especially those without dedicated leave and accommodations business partners, find that exploring options and treating everyone as a unique individual is an intricate, time–intensive, and sometimes-confusing path. This workshop will lean in with experience and use a series of practical demonstrations to help show participants the way forward to interactive process mastery. Attendees will review occupations performed in a variety of industries and work through a series of exercises with debriefs designed to reinforce confirmation of essential functions, selecting accommodation options that work for everyone and suggestions for effective documentation.
Ryan Bruce, MEd, CRC, SPHR, CLMS, Director, Client Solutions, New York Life Group Benefit Solutions
Cayla Lynn Mettenberger, MS, CRC, Vocational Coach, New York Life Group Benefit Solutions
Jaclyn Sphon, CRC, CEAS Team Leader, Vocational Services, New York Life Group Benefit Solutions
Allison Wheeler, MEd, CRC, SPHR, Associate General Counsel, New York Life Group Benefit Solutions
1B. Interactive Discussions: Compliance During the Texting Era
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires an interactive discussion. While employers want to comply, today’s workplace is filled with many employees who rarely, if ever, have interactive discussions and prefer an app or a text to verbal communications. Compliance can be tedious when disability professionals find themselves asking questions and getting limited answers. Employees may shrug or say, “Maybe. I’m not sure.” How can employers get employees to share views and thoughts on their perceived ability without it feeling adversarial? Achieving compliance with this aspect of the ADA can be more of an art than a science, and sometimes requires advanced interview techniques and interpersonal skills. This session will highlight some best practices for interactive discussions and then discuss some practice scenarios between employees and management.
Tommie Brode, JD, President, Venice Solutions Group LLC
1C. What Would You Do?
Compliance is only a concept until an actual employee scenario arises. Employers are faced with providing employees with care and support while also navigating the challenge of staying compliant during an employee’s leave of absence. Walking this line can get tricky if the leave event is not cut and dried. This session will present several interesting and complicated circumstances and then let the audience decide the best approach.
Meredith Baker, MPA, CLMS, Group Claims Team Leader, PFML, Mutual of Omaha
Sarah Hipp, CLMS, Director, WS Absence, Workplace Solutions, Mutual of Omaha
1:15 - 2:30 pm
Quick-Dive Sessions
1:15 – 1:45 pm
1D. Remodeling Your RTW/SAW Program with 5 Innovative Tools
Disability management compliance is built on a strong foundation and establishes structure for a great return-to-work/stay-at-work (RTW/SAW) program. In this presentation, attendees will learn how to further establish a foundation for a strong, resilient program and set realistic goals for modified work. Implementing new ideas such as coaching and off–site nonprofit work, clarifying restrictions for accuracy, and using sound ergonomic principles will be covered. Building a strong foundation begins by using several essential tools such as job analysis, which establishes and uncovers job demands. Program structure is unique, from setting transitional work time limit expectations to gradual RTW programs. A strong program will also clarify vague restrictions received from healthcare providers and use ergonomics to prevent reinjury.
Sandra A. Miller, PT CIE, Senior Manager of RTW, Briotix Health
Loryn York, Program Manager, Return to Work Services, Briotix Health
2:00 – 2:30 pm
1E. Transforming Disability Management: Evidence-Based Solutions with Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
Ketamine-assisted therapy (KAT) is revolutionizing the management of mental health-related disabilities in the workplace. Traditional treatments often fail, leading to significant productivity losses, high healthcare costs, and huge disability claims. This session explores the history, science, and legal landscape of KAT and its innovative use to address conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and offer rapid and lasting relief. Real-world case studies will be presented about the successful integration of KAT in corporate settings, resulting in reduced disability claims and improved employee well-being. Attendees will learn innovative solutions to absence and disability management, and leave this session with actionable insights and practical strategies to incorporate KAT into their employee benefits, driving better mental health outcomes and business success.
Sherry Rais, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Enthea
2:30 - 3:15 pm
Dessert Break with Exhibitors
Courtesy of Morgan, Brown and Joy, LLP
3:15 - 4:15 pm
Roundtable Discussions
Join industry peers for small-group discussions on hot topics within the industry. Share challenges, opportunities, and best practices from your organization’s experience.
3:15 - 4:15 pm
2A. Navigating the Bermuda Triangle: PFML Private Plan v. State Plan
With more states mandating paid family and medical leave (PFML) programs, employers with employees in those states often wonder whether they should participate in the state plan or file a private plan instead. The answer is it depends. In this session, panel members will draw from their diverse perspectives (regulator, attorney, carrier, and employer) to outline the different use cases and provide audience members with a framework for making a decision about whether they should file a private plan or stay with the state. Then they will provide guidance about the process steps and best practices involved with establishing a private plan, including plan requirements, employee election requirements, bond requirements, the filing process, claim processes, renewals, and reporting.
Joe Cale, JD, Associate General Counsel, Connecticut Paid Leave Authority
Sarah Coli, Esq, Associate General Counsel, ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company
Tenaya Desaulnier, Vice President of Human Resources, Day Kimball Health
Grace Giannattasio, CEBS, CLMS, Cosultant, Spring Consulting Group, an Alera Group Company, LLC
Ellen Donovan McCann, JD, Senior Counsel, Littler Mendelson
Grace Giannattasio, CEBS, CLMS, Consultant, Spring Consulting Group
Lynne Noel, JD, AVP, Absence and Disability, Spring Consulting Group, an Alera Group Company, LLC
4:15 - 4:30 pm
4:30 - 5:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
3A. Caregiver Protections: There Are More Than You Realize
More employees, especially those in the “sandwich generation,” are requesting flexible work arrangements and job protections for family caregivers. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recognized the importance of family caregivers in its recent technical assistance document to address employees and job seekers with family caregiving responsibilities. Many employers do not realize the extent of job protections for family caregivers and their obligations to employees as a result.
The Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, state accommodation laws, and the increasing number of state-paid family leave laws all must be considered carefully when dealing with employees who have caregiver responsibilities. This session will identify issues employers face when implementing and applying policies and responding to requests from employees with caregiver responsibilities for flexible work arrangements, leave, and other accommodations.
Lana L. Steven, JD, AVP, and Senior Product Compliance Counsel, Reliance Matrix
Nell Walker, VP, Deputy General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, Reliance Matrix
3B. In the Weeds: Navigating Colorado’s Family and Medical Leave Insurance
Colorado’s Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program is innovative — the first in the nation to come from a public vote, not from the legislative branch. But it is not for the timid. With unique rules around leave-stacking and employer retaliation and interference, Colorado’s FAMLI program can leave even the most seasoned human resources professionals feeling tangled up. There is a path through the jungle. This session will provide the tools you need to navigate Colorado’s paid family and medical leave rules with confidence.
David Gallivan, JD, Compliance and Appeals Branch Manager, Colorado Family and Medical Leave Division
Tracy Marshall, RN, CCM, CDMS, SHRM-SCP, Division Director, Colorado Family and Medical Leave Division
3C. Accommodating Neurodiversity in the Modern Workplace
According to recent studies, 15% to 20% of the U.S. population is neurodiverse, which includes those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Given the right accommodations, many employees with these invisible disabilities can improve their productivity and feel more comfortable at work. With accommodation requests on the rise, human resources teams must understand the needs of neurodiverse employees, their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the costs and benefits of providing accommodations. A neurodiversity expert will join this session and explore the ins and outs of ADHD and ASD in the workplace, benefits of hiring and retaining neurodiverse employees, the ADA interactive process, and examples of potential job accommodations.
Lizzie Somerfield, Neurodiversity Trainer & Author, New Deal for Neurodiversity
Seth Turner, CLMS, Founder and Senior Advisor, AbsenceSoft
3D. Employer Preparedness K.I.T. (Keeping in Touch): About Your Employees’ Absences
Good communication is a cornerstone of employers’ leave policies, and a solid foundation should be in place before employees requests a leave of absence. Once employees request leave — for their own illness, to take care of a baby, or for an undisclosed reason, where allowed — employers must communicate with employees in an engaging and positive way while still ensuring that they are clearly providing the right information at an opportune time. Intentionally implementing an effective and compliant communication strategy as part of employers’ leave policies is an investment that can and will pay off in dividends in the long run.
This presentation will explore strategies for employers to effectively communicate with their employees about their absences, including regulatory requirements, best practices, choosing the right communication templates, and guidelines to establishing clear communication channels at every stage of the process.
Joanna Floyd, MBA, Product Manager, FINEOS
Patricia L. Zuniga, LLM, IDAM Compliance Manager, FINEOS
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Happy Hour with Exhibitors
Mingle and relax with attendees and exhibitors after a full day of sessions. Enjoy complimentary drinks and light snacks during happy hour.
April 16, 2025
7:00 - 8:00 am
Breakfast with Exhibitors
Courtesy of TRISTAR
8:00 - 9:00 am
Mastering PWFA Compliance: Insights, Strategies, and Real-Life Scenarios
Buckle in for an engaging and informative session to bring clarity to the complexities of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). We’ll explore the provisions of the regulation, including the challenges posed by the EEOC’s more strict interpretations of the PWFA requirements. This session will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of recent enforcement activity as well as potential challenges to the enforceability of the EEOC. You’ll gain practical compliance tips and explore real-life scenarios from our hands-on experiences working with clients.
This session goes beyond updates, offering actionable strategies to navigate your organization’s obligations confidently. We’ll delve into specific case studies, highlight effective solutions to common challenges, and dedicate time for interactive discussions. Attendees are encouraged to share their own experiences and questions, creating a collaborative space to learn and grow. Whether you’re navigating the PWFA for the first time or seeking to refine your approach, this session promises to be both practical and empowering. Don’t miss the chance to enhance your compliance toolkit and connect with industry experts.
Abigail O’Connell, JD, Senior Counsel, Sun Life
Marjory Robertson, JD, AVP, and Senior Counsel, Sun Life
9:00 - 9:45 am
Coffee & Conversation Break with Exhibitors
Courtesy of TRISTAR
9:45 - 10:45 am
Many Happy Returns! How to Avoid Common RTW Mistakes
Returning to work after a leave of absence is anything but simple. The American with Disabilities Act accommodations, partial return-to-work (RTW) policies, fitness for duty standards, RTW documentation, communications related to RTW, expectations, and schedules — these are only some of the many components of RTW where employers can (and do!) go wrong. This session will present common mistakes that employers make and how to avoid them. Attendees will get tips that will support employees and protect the organization by understanding how and when to return employees to work, and what to do and say in complex situations.
Christina Korona, JD, Legal, Director Absence Compliance, Alight
Sheri Pullen, Senior Compliance Director, Alight
10:45 -11:00 am
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions
4A. Managing Accommodations in a Changing Landscape: The New Rules of the ADA and PWFA, and Meeting Employees Where They Are
The turbulent change in the workforce landscape over the last few years has made the already difficult and complex task of managing American with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations even more challenging, especially given the launch of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). This session will use case law and real-life scenarios to discuss these complex ADA issues, including the PWFA, navigating remote workforces, and the rising impact of mental health on absence and accommodations. Attendees will learn actionable strategies that can help employers meet employees where they are while still meeting business needs.
Matt Morris, Vice President, Absence and Accommodation Compliance, FMLASource, ComPsych Corporation
Sarah Oppenheim, Esq, Senior ADA Consultant, ComPsych
4B. Connections Revealed: Four-for-Four Key Trends in Absence and Disability
In this fast-paced, engaging, and interactive session, The New York Times’ Connections puzzle meets the latest trends in leave management! Attendees will use their wits to solve this puzzle by creating four groups of four words that reveal up-and-coming topics in the world of the Family and Medical Leave Act and its accommodations. Using a four–for-four format, attendees will hit on four hot topics and discuss four highlights for each, including the latest related legislation and case law.
Patricia L. Zuniga, LLM, IDAM Compliance Manager, FINEOS
Lori Welty, Esq, SVP, Product Compliance, FINEOS
4C. Unwinding the Leave Management Web
As the complexity within disability, absence, and state-paid leave programs continues to evolve, it is crucial to explore ways to simplify the leave experience. Leave programs support some of life’s most important moments. Rather than getting caught in a web of confusion, employees should feel supported and knowledgeable throughout the leave process. This session will focus on ways to unwind the confusion associated with a leave event. Practical guidance will be provided to meet employers where they are within their leave management program and provide actionable tips to help improve the employee experience.
Ashlay Blegen, Director, Absence & Disability Product, Group Insurance, Prudential
Chengchen Li, CLMS, FSA, MAAA, Founder & CEO, Penguin Benefits
Kristin Seidman, CLMS, Director, Paid Family and Medical Leave Products, Prudential
4D. ERISA: Understanding How It Impacts Benefit Plans
This presentation will demystify the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). It will explain the requirements and protections that ERISA offers to employers and employees, discuss why some employers elect to go with non-ERISA plans, and describe the consequences of failing to comply with ERISA requirements.
Anne Sanchez, JD, Shareholder, Littler
David Setzkorn, MBA, CPCU, Vice President, Workforce Absence and Disability Practice Leader, Sedgwick
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Lunch with Exhibitors
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
5A. The Mental Health LTD Challenge: Because Parity is Not a Priority … Yet
The brain is part of the body. Mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD) conditions are as debilitating as other conditions, significantly impacting activities of daily living, including an individual’s ability to work. For over a half century, almost all long-term disability (LTD) plans and policies selectively applied two-year duration limits to MH/SUD conditions. Mental health parity is the principle that benefits for MH/SUD conditions should be equivalent to those provided for other conditions. However, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act does not apply to LTD benefits. In 2023, following the significant increase in MH/SUD conditions prompted by COVID-19, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) Advisory Council analyzed “LTD (dis)parity.” Do not wait for new regulations or legislation. You can gain a competitive advantage without adding expense by leveraging the council’s 2012 and 2023 recommendations to add and improve LTD coverage by eliminating MH/SUD disparities.
Mark D. DeBofsky, JD, Shareholder, DeBofsky Law Ltd.
Jack M. Towarnicky, MBA, JD, LLM, of Counsel, Koehler Fitzgerald LLC
5B. Policies with Purpose: How to Build and Measure Leave Programs That Work For You
In today’s competitive business landscape, a well-structured leave program is more than a compliance requirement – it’s a strategic advantage. We know investing in comprehensive and inclusive leave policies can lead to measurable improvements in employee productivity, retention, and overall engagement. But every organization has different challenges and goals. And launching, revising, and measuring the success of programs can be daunting. We will delve into the tangible benefits of robust leave programs and provide a hands-on workshop on how to build an effective absence program. You’ll learn what to consider when designing your policies, implementation best practices, and metrics to measure success. Join us to discover how a strong leave program can support both your employees and your business outcomes.
Angel Bennett, AVP, Paid Leave & ADA, Unum
Daris Freeman, JD, AVP, Legal Counsel, Unum
5C. Do You Know What Your Managers Know When It Comes to Complying with FMLA, ADA, and PWFA?
Managers and supervisors are often the first line of communication for an employee who needs a leave. This requires managers to have some basic knowledge of leave laws, especially the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), American with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). This session will explore the key training areas that will empower managers to support their employees and remain in compliance. Attendees will learn tips on how to keep managers engaged and informed so they are ready when one of their employees needs to take leave. This session will be interactive and allow the audience to answer specific questions to gauge their own level of knowledge on FMLA, ADA, and PWFA.
Jim Jantz, JD, Director of Compliance, Marsh McLennan Agency
Phil Lacy, Healthy and Productivity Practice Leader, Marsh McLennan Agency
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Quick-Dive Sessions
1:30 – 1:55 pm
5D. DOL Math: Calculation of FMLA Leave Explained
How should employers calculate the number of hours of leave that employees use when they take a week of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave or when they take leave during a week with a holiday? How should employers track employees’ FMLA leave balance when they are taking FMLA leave intermittently on a rolling 12-month leave year? An expert from the U.S. Department of Labor explains how to calculate FMLA leave.
Christine M. Schott, MA, Wage and Hour Specialist, Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor
2:05 – 2:30 pm
5E. Balancing Care and Compliance in the Complex Landscape of Mental Health Accommodations and Leaves
Impacts of the growing mental health crisis extend beyond individuals. Employers are seeing trends in how employees show up — and sometimes don’t — to work. In a 2024 survey by Lyra, 65% of U.S. workers reported that their mental health impacted their ability to do their job. Additionally, employers are experiencing increases in requests for mental health accommodations. Since 2022, 65% of employers — and 78% of employers with 10,000+ employees — have seen an increase in these accommodation and leave requests. This session will focus on strategies that absence consultants use to help employers strike the right balance between compliance with applicable laws, provide employee support, and maintain business operations. As employers are bracing for heightened regulatory enforcement and navigating the increasingly growing patchwork of laws, it is more important than ever for employers to take a proactive approach in managing their leave and accommodations programs.
Chrissy Theiss, JD, SHRM-SCP, Senior Compliance Consultant, Strategic Non-Medical Solutions
2:30 - 3:15 pm
Dessert with Exhibitors
Courtesy of Morgan, Brown and Joy, LLP
3:15 - 4:15 pm
Roundtable Discussions
Join your industry peers for small-group discussions on hot topics within the industry. Share challenges, opportunities, and best practices from your organization’s experience.
3:15 - 4:15 pm
6A. Cracking the Code of Employee Protections and Leave Laws
In today’s complex regulatory environment, employers and brokers face significant challenges in determining employee eligibility for various types of leaves, their regulatory obligations, and the tangled interceptions between laws that offer leave protections, such as the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), state FMLA laws, and paid family and medical leave. This session will explore the intersections and nuances that can complicate compliance through a series of short, real-world scenarios. Presenters will illustrate common pitfalls and offer practical solutions for managing the intricacies of employee leave effectively to help ensure compliance while supporting a workforce’s diverse needs.
Amber Behanna, Senior Product Consultant, MetLife
Tony Dulgerian, Esq, AVP, and Assistant General Counsel, MetLife
Donna Fisher, MRC, Director, Product Development, MetLife
Gina Rutledge, MA, CLU, PFML National Practice Leader, MetLife
4:15 - 4:30 pm
4:30 - 5:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
7A. Key Communication Strategies for Engaging in the Interactive Process
Successful employment outcomes achieved through the interactive accommodations process hinge on effective communication among all parties involved. This training, presented by experts from the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), emphasizes the significance of constructive dialogue and collaborative exploration to find reasonable job accommodation solutions that meet the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Participants will recognize that each accommodation situation is unique, receive key strategies for facilitating accommodation discussions, and learn about JAN services and resources designed to support the accommodations process.
Tracie DeFreitas, MS, ACE-CHC, Program Leader, Director of Training and Outreach, Job Accommodation Network
Lisa Mathess, SHRM-CP, Principal Consultant, Job Accommodation Network
7B. Sweet Leaves, Leave Sweet: Building the Perfect Beast
Designing leave and time-off policies can be tricky. If not drafted correctly, these policies can have unforeseen consequences. This session will help employers navigate that minefield of legal issues when considering trending leave policies, including parental leave, unlimited paid time off, leave donations, non-Family and Medical Leave Act leave, and bereavement leave policies.
David Mohl, JD, Principal, Jackson Lewis PC
Katharine Weber, JD, Principal, Jackson Lewis PC
7C. Minnesota Paid Family and Medical Leave is Coming, Dontcha Know
Minnesota Paid Family and Medical Leave (MN PFML) is coming Jan. 1, 2026! In this session, Minnesota employers will learn about eligibility rules, leaves covered, benefits payable, job protection, integration with FMLA and other benefit programs, and more. Most importantly, new employer responsibilities will be discussed to enable employers to consider if the state plan or a private plan is right for their organizations and employees.
Kristy Helkenn, CLMS, HIA, DIA, DHP, Head of Absence & Disability Practices, Absence Management/Group Benefits, Guardian
Susan M. Murphy, Product Lead, Paid Leaves Products, Guardian
7D. Better Together: How to Find Co–Sourcing Success When Managing Employee Benefit Programs
According to The Hartford’s 2024 Future of Benefits Study, 89% of employers who responded said they would welcome a service that tracks all the leaves in one place, but first-time outsourcing can feel intimidating. In this session, The Hartford and Bridgestone Americas will discuss the keys to success when outsourcing leave and disability plans. This presentation will include an overview of how to review and design policies for efficient administration, engage vendors in a rigorous selection process, understand vendor technology and communicate leave plans and vendor relationships. Participants will leave with an understanding of how to improve benefits while finding ease and efficiency through partnering with a leave vendor.
Mark Cecil, SPHR, SCP-SHRM, Executive Director, West HRIS Solutions & Benefits Strategy, Bridgestone
Molly Colli, GBA, Executive Director, Benefits Administration & HR Operations, Bridgestone
Kim Rudeen, FLMI, ACS, VP, Head of Absence Management. Products, Group Benefits, The Hartford
April 17, 2025
7:00 - 8:30 am
Courtesy of TRISTAR
8:30 - 9:30 am
This … is … Jeopardy!
Workforce absence administrators know that managing leave laws is not getting easier. Four states begin paid family and medical leave in 2026. Multiple jurisdictions recently added and expanded paid sick leave and paid time off mandates. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act turns two years old in June 2025. And administration of the Family and Medical Leave Act and similar state laws is complicated.
In this interactive, game-show themed session, compliance experts will test your knowledge of many workplace leave laws and their latest developments. Best guesses can be registered through the polling function. The harder the question, the bigger the points. Whatever your goal — exciting refresher, building your knowledge toolkit, or perhaps just bragging rights — you will not want to miss this session covering a wide range of important and inherently complex leave laws.
Adam Morell, JD, CLMS, ADAPT, Compliance Counsel, Lockton Companies
Joshua Seidman, JD, Partner, Labor and Employment Law, Seyfarth Shaw
9:30 - 9:45 am
Coffee & Conversation Break
Courtesy of TRISTAR
9:45 - 10:45 am
FMLA Quirks: Navigating the Nuances of the FMLA
Even the most experienced human resources professionals can struggle with certain unique and quirky aspects of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This presentation is designed to explore those lesser known, tricky FMLA provisions, including in loco parentis, care of an adult child, shared entitlement between spouses, the key employee rule, and minimum increments for intermittent leave.
Suzanne Johnson, CLMS, Director, Integrated Absence & STD Claims & Telephonic Svc, FullscopeRMS
Sarah Simmons, JD, Absence & Employment Counsel, FullscopeRMS
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Ask the Experts
Our closing “Ask the Experts” session allows attendees to submit their most challenging, uncensored questions to our panel of distinguished Family and Medical Leave Act/Americans with Disabilities Act legal experts who will provide unfiltered answers. Come prepared with your toughest questions and the most perplexing challenges faced by your company.
Ellen Donovan McCann, JD, Senior Counsel, Littler Mendelson
Matt Morris, Vice President, Absence and Accommodation Compliance, FMLASource, ComPsych Corporation
Joshua Seidman, JD, Partner, Labor and Employment Law, Seyfarth Shaw
Kristin Jones, CLMS, PHR, SHRM-CP, Director, Education Programs, DMEC