2022 DMEC Long COVID Pulse Survey Results

Tasha PattersonSurveys, White Papers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1 in 13 adults may have long COVID, and 80% of the adults with long COVID have some trouble carrying out daily activities.

Given these numbers, long COVID conditions are expected to have a profound impact on employees, employers, workforce absence vendors and insurers, and the healthcare system.

In October 2022, DMEC surveyed 242 organizations across a variety of industries about current long COVID caseloads, accommodation practices, and strategic planning for long COVID management. This report highlights the survey results.

For more information on effective solutions and strategies to help employees with long COVID remain on the job, return to work in an effective and productive capacity, or access leave if they are unable to work, check out Long COVID: Assessing and Managing Workforce Impact.