2022 Workplace Mental Health Issue
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May-June 2022
The CEO's Desk
Feature Articles
Spotlight Articles
Program Showcase
Employer Perspective
Program Showcase
Program Showcase
Expanded Perspectives:
@Work To Share

DMEC Podcast
While challenging to implement, paid family leave (PFL) and paid family and medical leave (PFML) laws provide employers with an opportunity to revise benefits and policies to ensure equity and fairness, and to attract and retain talent. Listen in to this issue as Terri L. Rhodes talks with Jessica Bolar, product manager for The Standard; and Regina Stringer, director of integrated absence management for Walmart about tracking and implementing these laws.
DMEC Podcast
In this episode you’ll get insights about intersectionality, a valuable tool that helps absence management professionals guide employees with disabilities through the return-to-work process. Pilar Vélez, a DMEC member and ADA Program Manager and Global Benefits Program Manager with Intel Corporation, provides a uniquely valuable perspective that is both moving and inspirational.
DMEC Podcast
Supporting mental health and wellness is a priority for employers that are seeing an increase in people dying from “diseases of despair.” Dr. Dan Jolivet, a psychologist and workplace possibilities practice consultant for The Standard, offers practical tips and guidance for employers that want to invest in the mental health and wellness of their employees, and how they can measure success.

@Work™ magazine is the official publication of the Disability Management Employer Coalition. Copyright© 2024. Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC). All rights reserved.
Editorial Staff
Editor: Heather Grimshaw
Editorial Advisory Group Members: Linda Croushore, Rebecca Fisco, Jenny Haykin, Terri Morris, Fred Schott, Jessica Thornton, and Lori Vickory
Editorial Policy
The goal of @Work is to present industry and Association news, highlight member achievements, and promote the exchange of specialized professional information. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Association, its staff, board of directors, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of products or services featured in this, past, or subsequent issues of this publication. DMEC makes no representations, warranties, or assurances as to accuracy of the information contained in the articles, and no content herein is legal or tax advice. Consult appropriate professionals for legal or tax advice.