IAM Technology Tips: Three Ways to Use Technology

Tasha Patterson@Work

Three Ways to Use Technology and Keep the Human in Human Resources

By Megan Holstein, JD

SVP Absence & Disability Claims

By Barry Duffy

Product Manager

Disability, absence, and accommodation management are inundated with options for machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and no-touch processing. When used well, such technology can reduce errors, ensure compliance, and reduce absence administration costs. But does all this high-tech investment render human resources (HR) redundant?

Three technology best practices help distinguish where human intervention is critical in managing disability, absence, and accommodations.

1) Focus Automation on Positive Outcomes

Auto-approvals are good; auto-denials are bad. Auto-adjudication or no-touch processing of claims and absence should only be used to speed up approval and payment. HR and their benefit partners, such as insurance carriers and brokers, should use data and analytics to determine the highest-approval, lowest-risk scenarios to enable a prompt and efficient employee benefit.

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