DMEC News: September-October 2024
DMEC is committed to helping members succeed in an increasingly complex environment! Toward that end, we have just completed phase one of a website refresh that focuses on search functionality to reveal valuable resources!
Access and Equity: Supporting Employees of All Abilities in the Workplace
Considering that one in four Americans has a disability, it is essential to create and maintain inclusive company cultures and environments. This requires diligence and knowledge to ensure employee work environments are and remain welcoming, accommodating, and — perhaps most importantly — adaptable.
Keeping the ADA Process Interactive and Moving Forward
How can employers keep the interactive process going when employees do not participate? You may have more options than you realize! Consider these suggestions to ensure you cover all of your bases!
Return-to-Work Accommodation: A Process That is Not for the Faint of Heart
How do you manage the process of employees returning to work from medical leaves and ensure compliance with an increasing number of laws? Follow these six commonsense tips!
What Do You Monitor Over Time?
Performance benchmarking can help employers ensure they are on track with expectations and uncover opportunities for improvement. Learn how.
High Stakes for Employers Dealing with Chronic Conditions in the Workplace
Should long COVID be considered a workers’ compensation issue or something that would be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or both?
Dangers Lurk in State Discrimination Accommodation Laws
Multi-state employers have their hands full with federal as well as state and local laws, and must not forget about state disability accommodation laws that have specific requirements!